Alice Cary’s Poem November

I hope you all had a great week. My family and I will be leaving for a week vacation on Sunday night, when all the ghouls are out! LOL! We will drive to spend time with family in Texas.
I won’t have a Friday Freebie for you next week, but hope to get back in the swing of things by the following Friday, November 12th.
As you can imagine, it is VERY busy around here as we prepare to leave…don’t want to forget anything.
You all enjoy this weeks freebie…
Here are some study questions to go along with Alice Cary’s Poem, November.
Download November by Alice Cary
Have a blessed week and then some,
Wishing you a Happy New Year and trust you had a Wonderfull Christmas. Unfortunately I am away for 6 weeks visiting my brother who has alzheimers and I only have limited access to downloads so I am unable to download any freebies. Kindest regards
Hi Dell,
Happy New Year to you too!!
Quick note to let you know that I emailed you on this.