The Light and the Glory Questions
As I was planning for the next school year, I was thinking of having Donnie read The Light and the Glory for Children as well as the other books in the series.
I was also thinking of having him answer the questions in the back for each chapter. I decided it would be easier for Donnie if the questions were as worksheets and inserted into his school folder. If he sees it, he will remember to do it.
So, I typed them up notebook style. I am happy to share them with those of you who plan on using this book in your studies also.
Funny thing though, the past week or so, I have felt the leading to have us all learn Bible History. So, I am now researching this. I have always wanted to dig deeper into Bible times, so I am excited.
Download The Light and the Glory Questions
Thanks so much for sharing these!
It is my pleasure Robin. Enjoy!
Just curious. Did you read this along with your child so you know what the answers are?
Hi Amy. If I remember correctly, the answers were in the back of the book.
Hi, Cynthia. I actually bought the adult versions of the 3 books by Peter Marshall and David Manuel–not the children or the youth version. Have you read those? I figured since my son is now 13 going 14, he might benefit more from the adult version than from the youth one (geared for children 8-12, I believe). My question is: Do you think the questions you have prepared would also work for my son’s homeschooling activities?
Hi Rachel, I want to say I might have read the first one. I no longer have the book. I do remember having the study guide for the adult book, but my kids were too young at the time so we did not use it. Sadly, it is out of print and hard to find and I no longer own it either.
I do think the older book will benefit your son better. As far as the questions go, I think they will work. It might be a challenge to correspond them to the adult version though.
Thanks for your response, Cynthia. I’ve thought of that, too–that it might be a challenge matching the book chapters to the questions since the adult versions have more chapters. Anyhow, fortunately, I was able to find the study guides for the 2nd and the 3rd books on clearance years ago (as in 20 and 35 cents each), which is how I’ve been introduced to these books. With the 1st book, I’ve recently tried looking on Amazon and ebay, but they are too expensive. Then the other day, I discovered your website. I believe you are a Godsend. Now my son will be able to study the 1st book and get tested without a study guide bc of your kind efforts. You have also introduced me to another book, A Young Man after God’s Own Heart, which I plan to buy soon bc that’s what I pray for him regularly. Thank you so much. You have been a great blessing. God bless you abundantly!
Thank you! This is GREAT!
You are very welcome Abbi. Enjoy!
Thank you for taking the time to create and then share these worksheets! They are a perfect compliment to our chapter studies.
It is my pleasure Samantha. I am glad you can use them.
Am I still able to see your discussion questions? I keep clicking on your freebie and it takes me to the post about them but no way to see them
Yes, Cheryl they are still available. The link has been corrected. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks so much!!!!!
Cheryl, it is my pleasure.
are these questions still available? I’d love to have them!
Hi Jordan. Yes they are still available. I fixed the link. Enjoy!
wow, this is something I was just getting ready to create myself!! I am glad I found you in my bookmark session just on the perfect day. Please, Give me a heads up on where I can see your current worksheets or just the address to your blog thanks! Julie
God Bless you sweet lady for doing this and sharing it.
You did a beautiful job. I LOVE “clean” looking worksheets that are easy on the eye.
Thank you so very much.
Aw, thank you Shelah! That means a lot! Blessings to you too!
Thanks a million!
Sure thing Liz!
Thank you for sharing! I was just about to type up those questions and found your site. I really appreciate your hard work!!
Hi Christy. I am so glad you found me before you typed up the questions. It is my pleasure. Enjoy!
Whew! You just saved me so much work – thank you so much!!!
I am so glad to hear that! Thanks for taking the time to let me know.
And, you are very welcome!
Awesome layout! Do you have the answers for the questions?
Thanks Liz! No, I don’t have the answers.
Thanks so much for sharing your hard work. Can't wait to print this out for my kids!
You didn’t happen to make these for the other two books in the series did you? Just hoping.
This is great! It always is great to find helps when we homeschool!
You are welcome Kerrie! Enjoy!
thank you soooo much for these questions. my daughter is reading this, this year and I just googled to see if there were any questions that someone took the time to post! You are a true blessing!
This is absolutely fantastic; I have “From Sea to Shining Sea” so this will be a huge bonus!! Thank you for all that you do and share.
It is my pleasure! Enjoy…