Nearing The End Of This Homeschool Year…And The Beginning Of Another
We are nearing our 180th day of homeschool! That will mean that I will not have to send in attendance for two months (June & July).
For those two months, I am planning on having the kids continue math and writing, but their reading can be anything from their ‘free reading’ pile, plus it can be at their own leisure.
We will begin a fresh year in August. I am putting together their reading lists and gathering their books for the coming year.
Since last August, MaryEllen has read 35 books and Donnie has read 26. I am so proud of them. I have NEVER read that many books in a year.
This is my favorite place I like to get used books for their reading baskets. I can usually get a hardback for about the same price as a new soft-cover…sometimes less! All the books I have received have been wonderful.
The Robinson Curriculum does have the books on disk, but I try to find them in tangible form. If I can’t, then I will print them. I haven’t had to print any yet. I have also substituted books for ones on the RC list. And, I have also taken away from the list as well as added to it. 🙂
This is the little bit of planning I do for the year. That is what I love about the Robinson Curriculum…simplicity.
I do have to write up a yearly progress report per our states requirements, but I like having this summary of what the children have accomplished during the year.
Happy Planning,