Thanksgiving Notebooking Pages
It has been a while! My Thanksgiving page has been out of order for a long time, so I am finally finding time to fix it. Below are the notebooking pages. Further down, you will find links to my other Thanksgiving related pages.
Maude M. Grant
The Pilgrims were good people.
They lived in England.
The Pilgrims liked to go to church.
Their king was not kind to them.
He would not let them go to their own church.
So they left England and went to Holland.
The Pilgrims lived in Holland.
They lived there for twelve years.
They saw the wind-mills. .
The wind-mills grind the corn.
The wind-mills pump the water.
The Dutch people live in Holland.
The Dutch boys and girls wear wooden shoes.
The Dutch people were kind to the Pilgrims.
The Pilgrims did not wish to live in Holland always.
They wanted a land of their own.
So they sailed across the sea.
The name of their boat was the Mayflower.
It was not a large boat.
The great green waves tossed the Mayflower about.
The Pilgrims sailed a long time over the sea.
The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth.
It was winter and very cold.
There were no houses.
The Pilgrims went into the woods.
They cut down trees and made log houses.
They made a church and a schoolhouse.
The Pilgrims met the Indians.
The Indians were kind to them.
They taught them how to hunt.
They taught them how to fish.
The Indians gave corn to the Pilgrims.
They showed them how to make corn bread.
The Pilgrims had to work very hard.
The winter was very long and cold.
The Pilgrims lived in log houses.
These houses were not warm.
Food was very scarce.
Sometimes the Pilgrims did not have enough to eat.
After awhile the Pilgrims did not have so hard a time.
Their corn and vegetables grew and they had a fine harvest.
They caught wild turkeys in the woods.
Soon their barns were full.
They said, “Let us have a day of Thanskgiving.
Let us thank God for His blessings.”
So they had the first Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Notebooking Pages
Pilgrim Notebooking Pages
I also have:
a Squanto Lapbook.
a Thanksgiving Poem and Copywork
a Poem and Picture Study of “The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers”.
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